Is spine surgery safe ?

Spine surgery is offered to patients if all other non-surgical options have failed or in emergent situations when patients can have irreversible nerve damage without surgery. Spine surgery has been shown to have many benefits in well selected patients, which can be potentially lifechanging. These include:

  • improved mobility from pain relief
  • Reduced requirement of pain medication
  • Better mood
  • Return to employment
  • Overall better quality of life

Spine surgery is also fraught with potential complications. However in good hands and with modern equipment/drugs these are minimal and usually manageable. These include

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Reactions to Anesthetic drugs
  • Dural tears ( tear in protective covering around nerves which is repaired by surgeon and requires 24-48 hours of bed rest)
  • Nerve damage, extremely rare, with incidence <1%

Your surgeon will discuss these in detail and gain your confidence before you consent for surgery.

Contact Us

Dr Saurabh Kapoor

FRCS (Glasgow), MS (Gold Medallist)
Pioneer in Awake Minimally Invasive (Endoscopic) Spine Surgery

Director- Delhi Centre for Advanced Spine Surgery and Suma-Sudhir healthcare
Chief Spine Surgeon and Senior Consultant- Sant Parmanand hospital and Sehgal-Neo hospital
Neurosurgical spine fellowship (London)
Deformity and minimally invasive spine fellowship (Nottingham, UK)
Minimally invasive spine fellowship (Dortmund, Germany)
Ex spine consultant, Queen’s Medical Centre (UK)

Suma-Sudhir healthcare
Delhi Centre for Advanced Spine Surgery

C-610 Saraswati vihar, Pitampura, 110034

For appointment: +91-9667600872,

OPD Timings-

Mon/tues/thurs- 6:30PM - 8:00PM

Wed/Fri- 6:00PM - 8:00PM

Sat: 5:00PM - 7:00PM


Sant Parmanand Hospital

Jamuna Bazaar, Delhi-110053

For appointment: +91-9667600872,

OPD Timings-

Mon: 4:00PM - 6:00PM

Tues: 12:00PM - 2:00PM

Fri: 12:00PM - 2:00PM

Sat: 10:00AM - 12:00PM
